Bull Ring Squash Events is pleased to announce that the inaugural Bull
Ring Open Squash Championships will be taking place from 1st to 6th May
2017. Hosted at the exclusive Wanderers Club in Illovo, Johannesburg the
event boasts prize money and prizes worth R300,000 making it the biggest
Open Squash Tournament in Southern Africa.
The event is registered on the Professional Squash Association (PSA)
World Tour for both Men and Women to showcase South Africa’s top
professional squash players competing against their international
But there is also plenty of opportunity for squash players of all ages
to take part and play alongside these amazing athletes. Categories
include Open sections for Men and Women as well as Masters and Junior
CEO, Leon Gelderblom, said, “We are ecstatic to be hosting this
prestigious event here at The Wanderers Club, Johannesburg. What we hope
will make this event different and exciting to both the players and
spectators is that there really is a category for every player. We are
looking forward to meeting all of the players and wish them all the best
for the inaugural Bull Ring Open.”
For more information on the event, including entry information and
latest news, please visit www.bullringsquash.com
Bull Ring Squash Events is a new and innovative company managed by Leon
Gelderblom and Phil Louw, designed to take squash to new heights. If you
are interested in becoming involved in the Bull Ring Open as a sponsor,
please contact Phil or Leon directly.