Tom Maidment, tournament Media
Director, hits town after play.
Jonathon Power gets strapped up by a
David Palmer fan
while wife Sita sorts out her nails.
James Willstrop sneeks out of the event with a
bag full of the sponsors Kingsfisher water.
Tim Loat trainee matador in action. Not really ...
somthing to do with white balance for the TV cameras. Tim is part of
Jean de Lierre's TV team.
'We run the PSA actually.'
Jack Herrick, PSA Chairman with Executive Director Gawain Briars.
Adrian Battersby runs the live video streaming for the PSA.
Thierry Lincou is followed around by
a french TV crew.
Phil Wolski, Marketing Manager
for Brit Insurance, gives some advice to Jonathon Power.
Amr Shabana feel the cold outdoors as he is
interviewed by Chuck De Sainte Marie.
Amr Shabana feels
even colder after his match with
Peter Nicol .
Photographer Stephen J Line shares a word with
Satinder Baj at the event press launch.
The class of 2005.The eight Super Series Finalists
with Promoter Satinder Baj, PR Director Tom Maidment, WSM's Nick
Allcot, WSM Managing Director Andrew White.